About Jamie L. Palmer

Best Selling Author

My Story

Jamie Palmer has over nearly 20 years advising and supporting businesses across the spectrum of experience and expertise — from small mom and pop shops and digital solopreneurs to over $10 million a year business owners and brick and mortar businesses and restaurateurs. She brings and bridges her business insight and experience with her human design depth and penetrating insight to fuse and create a new form of business guidance leveraging the human design system for business owners all around the world. She currently works with business owners and students in over 20 countries, making her reach and work global.

With a unique ability to take a hawk-eye view and her fearless need to explore the depths, evolve, and push the boundaries of what is established and known, Jamie is on a mission to innovate and liberate you from the false beliefs, ideas, and inner and outer obstacles that hold you back in your life and business so you can truly build a life and business you love. Starting her first business in her twenties, Jamie has cultivated a diverse ecosystem of knowledge and expertise, synthesized into the revolutionary system known as Ecocentric Human Design – which includes the following programs, Business Design with Human Design, the program to create your business model by design; HD Your Biz, a set of programs to build your sales, marketing, messaging, and more leveraging human design; and HD in the Wild, the training program for business owners looking to revolutionize their industry by leveraging the human design system to pioneer and create their own unique perspectives, individualized client services, products, and programs, and HD-informed systems and expertise.

Jamie is known for her ability to make human design practical, digestible, and instantly knowable. You can see this through her following and resources shared on Instagram, her podcast, and blogs, as well as her many accessible resources on her site. She makes human design accessible in many ways by looking at and creating programs that teach and leverage the whole system and entirety of one persons’ design, and not just looking at a surface level solution or advice for how people should design their life and businesses.

Discover your unique blueprint to build a business and life you love.

Jamie believes that your voice is important and essential to a future where we can thrive, not only as individuals but also connected to the beauty of a sustainable world and ecosystem. She firmly believes that your success doesn’t have to cost the earth. All of this has led her to appreciate sustainability on many levels and embrace the philosophy of doing more with less. Her unique approach to human design is based on an ecosystem and whole system view, and teaches business owners how to leverage their human design to build a business and life that is sustainable and self generating for years to come. The intention for all her programs and resources is to build a resource you can return to over the course of your life and business. The Human Design for Business book is the first of many to come from her unique perspective and application of making human design practical, accessible, and relevant for business owners world wide. In her own life, Human Design has completely transformed her own business and world by changing how she parents, how she takes care of and understands herself, and by giving her permission to create success in a radically new way — on her own terms. Her hope is that human design can light the same spark and fire for you, and create that opening for you to revolutionize your business and life, too.

Work with Jamie

HD Your Biz® – Sales, Marketing & Ascension – Fall Cohort Enrolling

Embrace the HD Revolution. Cultivate Your Emergent Business Ecosystem. Using the Power of Human Design

It’s time to stop treating the symptoms in your business.

Business Design with Human Design – The Course

The business model planning system based specifically on your unique Human Design Profile.

HD Wild® – Ecocentric Human Design® Group Program & Certification

It Is Time To Start A Revolution In Your Industry By Leveraging Human Design. The Human Design Training program to master human design in a practical & applicable way. 


Here are a few the of the spotlights of Jamie’s nearly 20 year entrepreneurial journey, including clients served, featured publications and more. 

Published Books


Clients Served


Featured In


I firmly believe that if each one of us can embody and become who

we are meant to be the world will be a better place…

– Jamie L. Palmer

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